Looking for a Bit of Softness in Your Room without Sticking Cotton to the Walls?
Posted by Sajda Siemens on
It’s hard to find decor that looks soft while still adding style. Faux finishing is nice and can look great but between one too many badly sponge painted walls and the cement like plaster that some put on their walls that you can never take off, you have to be a professional to make it look right and it doesn’t come cheap.
Hanging a picture on the wall can look hard with all those edges and corners sticking out from the wall. Wall paper is too overwhelming and repetitive at times to really be soft. And stenciling, unless done really, really right is hard to ….. well…. get right.
So what do you do? How do you add just a bit of softness to your walls without having to learn a whole new language of faux finishing or hiring a professional?
Try adding vinyl wall decals. Not a lot, just a few in a soft, floating design that looks like it’s floating down your walls in a subtle color that blends nicely with your walls. The trick is to not look for a lot of contrast.
Here are a couple of examples so you can see what I mean. In one we have added soft grey fern wall decals that look like they are falling from the ceiling and blowing in the wind. They are just on one side of the wall yet the wall looks full.
The other example shows just a few dragonfly wall decals flying up the wall. Just 4 or 5 is all you need to add an accent. A package of 6 Dragonfliesare only $19.99 online to perfectly fill up an empty window or wall. Plus there is no wrong way to position them.
Click here to view Graceful Ferns Product Page
Click here to view Graceful Dragonflies Product Page
In these rooms we have just taken simple designs inspired by nature and made them look naturally in motion on the wall. The colors are soft and subtle so as to not to compete with the rooms focal point but adds a soft feel to the room while also adding style.
Nature is always a safe bet when trying to achieve comfort and warmth in a room. That’s not to say that your whole rooms decor has to be nature themed but by adding one element of nature you give that extra bit to make your room more welcoming.
Here are a couple of more rooms where nature wall decals are shown. One uses just one branch wall decal that isn’t too bold and just adds a nice accent to fill in the wall space. The other is also a great example of a long, large wall that can be sometimes awkward to fill. In this dining room a large picture would not quite fill the wall and to wall paper it would be too much and overwhelming. By adding Bamboo wall decals to just one side of the wall it now looks complete. There is no need to fill in the rest of it.
Click here to view Serenity Bamboo Product Page
Click here to view Old Branch Product Page
If you have furniture that has a lot of contrast next to your walls then try adding some soft colored wall decals to help bridge the elements in your room together. For more examples of wall decals you can visit www.paintlessdesign.com and view the Picture Gallery.